“Safety Comes First”
Mitchell Installations Ltd.
Mitchell Installations Ltd. provides a safe workplace for each and every one of our employees. We have
developed a comprehensive health and safety program which drives our safety culture and initiatives.
Above all else, safety is our number one priority, and we are continuously working to improve our safety
culture within our organization. Beyond our safety program and procedures, Mitchell creates and
maintains safe work places by focusing on the individual and demonstrating genuine care for the health
and welfare of each and every employee.
Our culture promotes team work, trust, education, and passion for safety in the workplace. Our
management objectives include engaging our clients and craft workers with safety initiatives to increase
awareness and provide an open and transparent environment to discuss safety in the workplace.
Mitchell Installations Ltd. uses ISNetworld as a management database for our clients to review and
evaluate our safety information. We are also certified with the BC Construction Safety Alliance (COR).
-All Injuries can be prevented.
-Safety has over-riding priority
-Safety is everyone's responsibility
-Safety is built into every job
Mitchell Installations Management team is committed to providing a safe and healthy working
environment for all its employees through a safety program that exceeds the requirements of the
Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
is a COR certified business and has been since 2014.
We provide first quality service to our clients without compromising our safety culture. We cannot meet
our safety goals without the full cooperation from all personnel.
Participation in safety is required of all
of our employees from management and supervisors, to craft workers and labourers. Our health and
safety program is designed in the best interest of all personnel, subcontractors, visitors and clients. We
believe accident prevention and efficient production can go hand in hand, and our organization insists
on a dedicated participation in the program requirements.